Here’s Everything You Need on Hand for Casting

Here’s Everything You Need on Hand for Casting

Applying a cast is necessary to help a bone heal properly after it breaks. Casting isn’t something that you can just do at home; in most cases, you’ll need to see a doctor so that they can perform the procedure.  Casting involves several steps and equipment like a...
How To Make a Medical Face Shield Clear Again

How To Make a Medical Face Shield Clear Again

Whether you’re a healthcare provider or just someone who needs to wear a medical face shield, knowing how to clean it properly will let you maximize your purchase while being as hygienic and safe as possible. As medical face shields are becoming mandatory...
7 Types of Face Shields To Be Used for COVID-19

7 Types of Face Shields To Be Used for COVID-19

The mandates related to COVID-19 have been loosened in most areas, thanks to the large number of vaccinated individuals reducing the long-term or life risk of the virus. However, the fight is far from over. The use of face shields and masks is here to stay, and it...
When Should Hemostatic Dressing Be Removed?

When Should Hemostatic Dressing Be Removed?

Hemostatic dressings are used for severe trauma wounds, such as those caused by guns, knives, car accidents, or other life-threatening situations. It’s usually placed on an injury to prevent death from severe blood loss by facilitating clotting. Of course, it...